Krepsko Theatre Group (Finland-Czech)


Mon 18.3. at 6 pm Annantalo
Tue 19.3. at 10 am Annantalo (for kindergarten & school groups)
Thu 21.3. at 6 pm Children´s Cultural Centre Aurora, Espoo
Fri 22.3. at 9.30 am Children´s Cultural Centre Aurora, Espoo
Sat 23.3. at 2 pm Mosaiikki, Vantaa

Age recommendation 3+.
Duration approx. 40 min.

Welcome to Fabsurdia, a place where everything strange is possible. In Fabsurdia, stories start, turn and twist. Fabsurdia resonates, delights and inspires.

Fabsurdia is a visual rhyme flowing forward to its own rhythm, sometimes rhyming with what has gone before but always suggesting something new. Fabsurdia is a wordless theatre performance suitable for all ages.

Working group:
Mayim Alpert, Linnea Happonen, Nuutti Happonen, Philip Holm, Anisia Kronidova, Pavel Semchenko

Tickets and signing up for the performances for kindergarten and school groups 

Tickets to the performance at Annantalo and on 21.3. at Childrens Cultural Centre Aurora from
Tickets to the performance on 22.3. at Childrens Cultural Centre Aurora from the City of Espoo´s eventpage
Tickets to Mosaiikki urban culture centre from the city of vantaa´s eventpage

Signing up for the performances for kindergarten and school groups:
Signing up for the morning performance at Annantalo through kultus (